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you have earned my follow 

Thanks I really appriciate that!

this is sick bro so good

Thanks alot!! I TRY to update it more and more!

Fun little game!

Thanks that you likes the game!!

Fun start! It has a cool feel to it and fun themes.  I wish the small enemies didn't spawn at the start of the boss wave so I could see the boss and feel more like im in a boss fight opposed to running away from enemies trying to hit the boss as a secondary thing. Maybe the small enemies could only spawn near the end of some boss fights and of an enemy type the same as the boss e.g. First boss be chicken minions and so on.

I got bored using the guns with a reload and felt very underpowered with them, it also took me to round 2 to realize what to do with the parts dropped by monsters. 

I didn't get to try level 3 as the game crashed at the end of the first round :)

Thanks for playing, I'm sorry that you couldn't play the last level. It's for the first I hear that occur. Cause of enemies I can make them spawn bit later, but they are used to make you move around more. I'm still working on the guns how to make them more usefull.

Well done! Fun, catchy music, nice pixel art. Certain weapons and combos are a bit overpowered but that's an easy fix with some care. The text was a bit bland, and the tutorial could use a bit of work, maybe having the player actually combine a weapon and shoot it? Enemy spawning is a little bit random, sometimes the spawns are amazing, other times they spawn right next to the player and on top of other enemies. The difficulty might need some adjusting too, I only got hit once and that was a the very beginning. Keep it up dude!

P.S. Nice gedaan Habrambe ;)

Fun game! Though, I always sticked to guns that didn't have reload. The others felt really really bad. I think zomibe brain and skeleton as component is the best option.

Thanks for playing the game, I'll try to rework on the guns to make the others stand out more to!